วันเสาร์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

The Merging of Humans and Computers

The brain will soon be completely compatible with your computer. The benefit of humanity will be really big. The truth is that Arthur C. Clark said in its short history with groups of people who connect in real time of neurons to transmit devices under the skin. You can have all the knowledge of the world and all the latest research on a chip connected to the brain. Today we can see the beginning of adolescence with laptops and PDAs used in the flash crowds. This team, communication interface brain be the next logical step in science fiction meets as Moore's Law and complete MIT Media Lab exploit the latest technology of Nano Gone Wild. The communication device would be in real time, the Internet in your head if you can not imagine the opportunities, business and communication at the speed of thought. Instead of sharing MP3 player on the Internet, it would be commercial experience in 4D, and thought of using nano-technology, equipment, which more and more brain interfaces. You can do real-time research with members of certain groups on the ocean and when someone made a discovery, time to write the white paper or peer review would be instantaneous. Therefore, to reduce the search time close to zero. If you read books, such as the prescription for the future, and 500 years Delta, futuristic books and other people working on these issues can see where we go. Some are concerned about this, but I am somewhat intrigued about the possibilities for better development of humanity. The computer will be more intelligent than humans? Computers and humans will be one in this case, it will be like. Instead of preverbal file sharing or file sharing, he believes that change. The future is closer than you think, have you seen this? Lance Winslow - If you have any innovative ideas and unique perspectives, to think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs www.WorldThinkTank.net / wttbbs
